Monday, May 26, 2014

April 28 - Another Fabulous Week!

Hola Familia,

Our missionary conference was great!  We couldn't take any pictures or anything but it wasn't right occasion to take pictures but we got to shake Elder Russell M. Nielson's hands. 

We did do Mormon helping hands this week. We cleaned up a river area but it was so great because we had a lot of people look at what we were doing. 

The backyard looks so great. I can't believe we got a new bishop but I bet that he is great. What's his name? I'm so happy to see everyone is doing great. What time is your church again? What is the home phone #? I will tell you what time I will call you next week. Have a great week and I will snail mail ya!

This week has been fabulous. On Monday,we had an FHE with a less active family and we talked about The Gospel with them and the steps they need to take to go back to Heaven with our Heavenly Father.On Tuesday, we had a lesson with Luis who explained his doubt about being baptized and how he is recieving family troubles for studying with us. We did service for Hermana Rojelia.  She had some concerns and is really depressed on how her life isn't what she wanted and how she has been raising her kids. We also had a lesson with Jose and Angelina we taught the gospel and set them with a baptismal date of May 9th. They are so excited to be back in California and to see us in their home. On Wednesday, we had exchanges. After getting locked out of our apartment, we were finally able to go out and work. We saw a former who doesn't live in our area but they were in our area book. They said we could stop by if we had time, so we will give this former to the elders.We saw a couple of potentials who have been taught, but they mostly said that the previous elders came by for food or to just hangout, which is disappointing to hear. We found some new investigators: Gavino and Marie and Filemon. Filemon is so great he knows all about Joseph Smith and his story and he knows alot about our church. We think he might be a member we just have to ask him at our lesson this week that we have with him. We had a lesson with Jesus as well who hasn't been reading because of his eyesight but he said he will try. They stopped doing the kids homework to listen to us.  We are still wanting them to come to church but all that we can do is keep inviting. 

Hermana Siddoway said to work on sharing a scripture from the Book of Mormon in any teaching situation and I am starting to do gratitude prayers to help me realize the smalls things that happen during the day. Thursday was great. We had a lesson with a LA named Olympia who kids are former investigators. We didn't know that she was a member until she told us. She works on Sunday and so that's why she doesn't come to church. We are going to start meeting with her to get her re-activated. We found some new people this day too, and so we are going to start teaching them. We had another lesson with Angelina and Jose. They are doing so great and we are really trying to help them reach their date. We had a lesson with Luis and extended a baptismal date to him for may 23. He is struggling to come to church as well. 

On Saturday, we had Mormon Helping Hands and the elders had a baptism.  It was so good. We had a lesson with Fiilemon and explained more about the Book of Mormon. On Sunday we had church and had a lesson with Jose and Angelina. We watched the full movie of the Restoration. This week we found one new investigator.  Tthis week was a really a success.
This week I studied 3 Nephi 20 in the Book of Mormon.  During my language study and during my personal study I was in Alma and reading the missionary chapters. I also studied more about virtue and diligence and how we can find more. I also was studying the fall of the Lamanites and Nephites and how they are compared to the world today. I had great study sessions this week and learned how i can apply what I study to my investigators.

Hna Hernandez and I are great. We are seeing alot of success and working the way the Lord wants us to. We have come to love and understand each other alot better. We are growing to love and work in unity.

Te amo mucho, gracias por todo.
Hermana Fitzpatrick

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