Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21 - I Shook Hands with a Prophet!

Hola Familia,
I did get to shake hands with Elder Nelson and his wife, Elder Bowen and his wife, and Elder Garns and his wife as well. With Elder Nelson it was mostly us doing a Q&A. We had to eat lunch before we got to the meeting. I did get see Hermana Rubow and all my mission friends but we couldn't chat. We wanted to leave with the Spirit that we felt at the meeting.

I did get my Easter box and Thank you so much and for the shirts. They fit well and I love the card you sent and the eggs with the scriptures. I don't need my contacts right away you can just send them in the next box. 

I'm so glad you had a great Easter with some families from your ward.  It is alot more fun having holidays with people than by ourselves. On Mother's Day, I will be calling from the cell phone again and I would love to have Nan and Pop there.

I am feeling alot better. I will be sending some pics soon I just forgot my cord today :( We are doing awesome and we're on fire for missionary work!  The funniest thing that happened last week was some of the elders got a hair cut or they did it themselves.   One of them cut another's hair too short to where he almost has a bald patch. 

The most spiritual thing that happened last week was seeing Elder Nelson and the seventies. It is just amazing how someone can ask a question and they are able to just pull the perfect scripture out of their head, no preparation or anything. 

I don't really need anything right now. You are already doing way too much but you're my mom and you go above and beyond what I ask. So that is just you! 

That yard looks great and so does my Little Girl. Gracie. How is she doing? How is everyone else doing? It'll be so great to talk to you in a couple of weeks.  Not talking on skype will make the airport greeting alot more special, at least I think. 

This week has been so great. I absolutely loved it!   On Tuesday, we had so much work. We had a lesson with Luis, we read 1 Nephi 1 and 2 and we committed him to read 1 Nephi 3. He asked some very good questions that we had the answers for. At the end of our lesson, he also prayed for the very first time. We have been asking him to come to church and we keep reminding him Saturday and Sunday but he keeps making excuses. He has the faith but he doesn't want to put any effort or his faith into action. He wants to find peace but he won't gain the peace he needs if he doesn't try to find it himself first. 

We gave a refferral to the English Elders who we found. His name is Fred and he told us that any Church is true as long as they are based on God. We explained about the Restoration and how this restored gospel can bless his family. He is a grandfather and a father of alot of wonderful children. He is so willing to listen and to understand the path that God wants him to take. 

On Wednesday, We went to our new investigator's house, Jacklin and we taught about the Gospel. She didn't have much time because she was feeding her kids. We shared a ten minutes lesson and how having and taking the steps of the gospel can help her feel comfort and peace. She is going through a difficult trial because she just lost a family member this past week. She is so eager and willing to learn. She let us in after we told her it will only take a couple of minutes. But she sat down and listened. We also explained how this can bring her family to be more united. The only time her family is together is at meal times and that is it. 

We are planting small seeds in these peoples hearts. We had an Family Home Evening with Hermana Rojelia. We talked about the season of Easter and we read the Easter story with corresponding objects for ex. soap for the when Pilate washed his hands of the blood of Jesus. 

We had a lesson with Hector. We were bold but loving. We had a miracle, he came to church and partook of the sacrament. It was the first time since I have been here that he came to sacrament meeting. 

On Thursday, we had Zone meeting. It was so good and so inspiring. After zone meeting, we had a lesson with a former investigator named Magdalena. We taught the Restoration using cups and she was very receptive and asked good questions. She has a busy schedule and she said she would call us to tell us when we can stop by again. 

During our dinner on Thursday, we had a small FHE with a family and watched Mormon Messages. This was the thing that this family was lacking is just spending quality time together talking about the Gospel and the things they learn. I understand now why having FHE and family prayer and scripture study are important as it brings unity into the family.  

We saw a less active, Hermana Perez and asked how things were going. She has been pretty busy and we shared the purpose of or mission of jesus Christ. She is doing ok, we are just trying to help her right now because she doesn't want any help from the members because she got offended when she needed help and no one came to help her. 

On Friday, we had a huge miracle. Jose and Angelina are back from Mexico and so we are going to start teaching them again. It was so great. Angelina needs to get baptized again because the ward can't find her records. She came to church this Sunday. It was so awesome to see them again. 

Saturday was a day I really needed. I loved hearing from Elder Nelson, Elder Bowen, and Elder Garns and their wives. I absolutely loved Elder Bowen talk. How we have been putting false limitations on ourselves. It was a really good meeting and really what I needed to hear at this time. I can really testfiy that these men have been called of God because the Spirit just overwhelmed me when they entered the room. They know their purpose and are magnifying their callings. 

On Sunday, we had church and we reflected on the meaning of this Easter season. It means more to me now that I am in the mission than ever before. We saw a less active family and we watched The Testaments because Hermano has never seen it before. We explained that this is the reason for Easter. Not for the candy, the eggs, or the easter bunny. It's because Christ lives.   We as missionaries can say that, because we know it and we have experiences that have helped us come to this knowledge.

This week I have been studying alot of the talks by Elder Nelson. He is truely an inspired man. I have been studying in the Book of Mormon and reading Preach My Gospel. I also have been studying about Bible stories, like Job. It is truly a miracale to see the faith and the power that the prophets have.  It is really cool to know that I have that same power as well. I also read the Easter story and how Christ performed the Father's will.  He didn't wait for a little bit and then become obedient.   He did it right then and there without hesitation. 

This week I really was struggling with being a missionary and I realize that before anything amazing and good comes like miracles or an apostle coming,  Satan works really hard. When he does that I just want to sell my identity for a mess of pottage.  But after Elder Bowen's talk. I'm going to leave these last few yards running!
I'll write a snail mail this week.
Hermana Fitzpatrick

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