Monday, May 27, 2013

Week #4 Lovin' This California Weather!

Hola Familia,

Things have been really good here in Ventura, CA. It's not too hot and its not too cold. I love it. This week was a crazy one because our whole district got sick.  I just got over a sore throat and earaches. I think it was also because I sleep near the window.  The weather has been a little weird, kinda like texas.  One day it's way hot and the next, it's just warm.   

I did get all the packages. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it and all that you have done for me so far. 

Today is my missionary birthday and I only have 15 more months left of the mission that is way CRAZY!!!!! 

I have started playing the piano at church.  The branch choir wants me to play Where Love Is or Follow Him or something that was in the primary book that isn't anymore. 

We are hitting all aspects of the missionary work. We teach less active, investigators, and recent converts. Our main focus is fellowshipping.  In sacrament meeting on Sunday, in our last English talk, was about fellowshipping and doing visiting teacher/home teaching. 

We did have one zone conference. It was really interesting.  It was like  when Elder Bowen came to our last stake conference, a Q&A kinda thing. I was having a hard time this week because I didn't really learn how to declare to people on the street in the MTC.  I didn't know how to do it.  And having to do it in another language was beyond me. But I think that moment was a learning moment because I have been relying on myself a little too much.  Mostly because I like to be in control of what happens.  But, in that moment I learned to rely a little bit more on the Lord. The next time I declare to someone it will be from the heart.  I also have learned what I say in Spanish may not be what they hear because the spirit can make them hear different things than what I am saying.  I have learned that the mission is a learning process for all of us. 

We had a couple more dinners with the families in our wards and I really have come closer to the people that I have served and love them even more. 

I love that y'all have been reading the Book of Mormon and continue to learn from it. One thing that I didn't know is somewhere in the Book of Mormon Christ names all the 12 apostles that he called in the Americas.  Way interesting!  

I can't believe that y'all are finally in the house. I bet it looks beautiful!   Tell Littles that she can't make a mess!  

I heard from Hermana Rubow's mom this week. She is one of the nicest ladies that I have not meet but have a friendship with, because of Hermana Rubow. She just thanked me for being there for Hermana Rubow and being there when she needed it. 

I will send some pictures next week because I didn't take that many this week. Beside we are going pickin' for today. 

Love ,

Hermana Fitzpatrick

Kenzer LOU

PS: Happy Father's day coming up dad!! and I totally forgot to tell you Happy Mother's day mom!! 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Week #3 Lovin' Cali!!

Hola Familia,
Thank you for the packages this week. I really appreciate them. My Spanish is getting better. I'm reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish to see what words I don't know and then translate them into English. I'm learning alot from Sister Romero on how to become a better missionary. We are working with less actives and new investigators. White-washing (working with two wards) is really difficult, but we love it!  We should be having a couple more baptisms this month and we are excited for that. I did run into someone who knew Sister Bohn. I didn't know Sister Bohn grew up in this area. 

I'm so excited that you are getting into the house finally. I will want some pictures.  I'm so glad that Gracie is excited too. 

I might be transferred out of this area at transfer time.  Transfers are every six weeks and at the last transfer for the 12 week program, some sisters spent six weeks with one companion and the other six with another.  I have heard though, that if you are from Texas or Arizona that Bakersfield is the place for you.  So, who knows...we'll see.  I'm just happy wherever the Lord wants me!!  I'm so glad that you and Sister Rubow have become friends. 

You can post my email address to my facebook now because it is church policy that friends can email you and such. 

I got a sweet letter from Dad.  Tell him that I miss him.  I really want to hear his conversion story told in his own words if he gets the time.  Alot of people out here are really strengthened by hearing the conversion story of others.  I hope to hear from my sisters and brother too, sometime. 

Since school is almost out, do you have any plans for the summer?  It's kinda nice here not to worry about school and every thing that the social life involves you in. 

In case anyone else wants to send me packages the rules are that: you can only send them through US Mail first class or priority or letters, of course. I will have to wait for any others but that is totally fine. 

Can you please check on Christine and Beth Ann because I heard there were tornados near Dallas and I just want to make sure everything is ok? 

One scripture that has come across my mind this week is D&C 84:88.   "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."

I'm so glad you have the missionaries over for dinner.  They really appreciate it.   I can definitely tell that our family is unique because some of the members we have dinner with in the Spanish branch don't sit down and eat dinner with us.  It is just me and my companion. I have gotten used to the kissing of the cheek and other culture stuff they do. 

I will send some funny pictures this week and introduce you to TIWI.
All my love,
Hermana Fitzpatrick
Kenzer lou 

Check out our TIWI.  It's a tool to help us be 'good drivers'.  The first week the TIWI kept telling me I was an 'aggressive driver'.  What???  This week, thankfully, TIWI has been very quiet.  No aggression here!!  Just mustaches....HaHa!!

Mission fun...The Elders decided to "Bagel" our car!  Silly Elders!!


HI sister fitz!!!

this is hermana romero and i just want you to know that i love your daughter so much!! we are really good friends now!! she is an amazing missionary!!! i want you to know that she is a hard working missionary and that she is learning spanish really fast! so when she goes home she will be fluent!!! 

i just wanted to say hi! and i hope all is well over there! hugs and kisses

p.s: you are so beautiful!!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Week #1 in Cali!

Hola Famila,

Como estas? So this week flew by so fast. It was so great to talk to y'all on Mother's day and now we only have a few more months till we talk again.

I am in the Thousands Oaks area and love the weather, although it has been hot a couple of days. I should be thankful because I prayed for hot weather instead of cold weather. So we went to my area and dropped my stuff off. (Thank you for the packages.)  Then, we went and met Pablo who got baptized this past Sunday. It truely was a miracle because he had been putting it off.  He said, he had a dream and in that dream he saw his wife who died 3 months ago, and his father- in- law who had passed away previously,  both baptized.  And so from that dream he knew he needed to be baptized.  On Sunday, during Pedro's baptism, I gave a descurso (talk) in Spanish on the Holy Ghost. I didn't have a clue.   But one thing that is always that same is the Spirit.  And you could definitely feel it in that room. 

We have been visiting a lot of less active, part-member families, investigators, and potential investigators. It has been kinda a hard since we are working with the Spanish branch and an English ward. We are doing what they call white-washing or zebra work because we have to switch languages. Our ward mission leaders in both the branch and the ward are awesome and are always there to help us. I am going to be learning a lot more Spanish.

In this next transfer, whoever is in the Bakersfield mission is there to stay. Which is way exciting!  We will be getting more sisters and elders in our mission. I think the total was 29 all together. 

Yesterday, we got to hear from Elder Robbins from the 1st Quorum of the Seventy.  He really answered some of the questions we went there with.  And he more clearly helped us understand how to help investigators more fully. 

We will definitely be getting to work this week!  We just haven't worked with two units before. We will definitely be blessed!

One of the things I learned from our branch presidency in the MTC before we left and have already applied in the mission field, is this: Work harder than everybody else, love everyone, and laugh a lot!!  I love this advice and live by it everyday!!  

I love y'all and think about you often. Thank you for the prayers in my behalf. 

One of the scriptures that have touched me this week is 1 Samuel 4:9.  

"Be strong, and quit yourselves like men, O ye Philistines, that ye be not servants unto the Hebrews, as they have been to you; quit yourselves like men, and fight." 

It is mostly talking about missionary work and how we need to go out and fight. But I also liked it because it sounded like a football scripture that a coach would say to his players before a game. 

I can't wait to tell y'all about my next adventures at transfers.
Hermana Fitzpatrick

This is my companion, Hermana Romero, from Mexico City, Mexico.  
We are at a less-active member's home.  She makes jewelry and fake babies (?)

This is the large world map at the MTC.  Here's the Ventura, CA mission.  Here I Come!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Mother's Day Phone Call...

Dear Family and Friends,

I thought I'd share just a few fun thoughts from my phone call from Mikenzie on Mother's Day.  

Last Monday, Mikenzie left the SLC airport for Santa Barbara California, via Denver.  I know.  Go figure.  The best part was that I got to talk to my girl from the SLC airport and from the Denver airport as well.  What a treat!  It was so good to hear her voice.  She was happy, excited and just ready to get busy sharing the gospel.  After speaking to her on Mother's Day, she shared that while at the Denver airport, a kind woman, upon seeing her and her companion's black missionary badges bought them lunch at Panda Express.  She wished them well and told them they would be great missionaries.  (A tender mercy.)

Mikenzie got to California Monday afternoon and were met by the Mission President, President Fernando R. Castro, his wife and their young son.  I received a very nice personal letter in the mail from President Castro with a picture of him, his wife and Mikenzie.  I'm sure Mikenzie must have had lip balm on, otherwise her lips would have just split from the giant smile on her face!  Here's the text of my letter from the mission president.

Dear Brother and Sister Fitzpatrick,

Sister Mikenzie Kathleen Fitzpatrick arrived safely in our mission on Monday, May 6, 2013.  As we met her in the airport she appeared to be in good health, had a smile upon her face and was eager to begin serving in the California Ventura Mission.

She received training and spent her first night here in Ventura.  After breakfast today, we held a transfer meeting, and then she went to her assigned area in Thousand Oaks, California, with her Companion Sister Romero.  Enclosed you will find a photo of her with Sister Castro and me.

Your daughter's permanent address in the mission field is the mission office address, which is 3301 W. Gonzales Road, Oxnard, CA  93036.  There is a normal period of adjustment as your missionary adapts to the mission field, and your assistance during this time will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for raising such a noble young woman.  We already love her as our own and will do everything we can to help her succeed.  We are delighted to have her with us.

I share with you my testimony that this is the work of the Lord and pray that our Father in Heaven's choicest blessing will be upon you and your family as your missionary serves with us in California.


President Fernando R. Castro
California Ventura Mission

So nice.  I know she is in good hands;  the Lord's and President Castro's.

Anyway,  what a phone call.  I carried my phone around me all day because I didn't have any idea when Mikenzie would be able to call.  Thankfully, I gave Mikenzie a heads up about having to teach Young Women from 3-4 during our phone call on Monday.  She called about 5:15 Sunday afternoon.

After our initial tearful hellos, we learned that Mikenzie is serving in Thousand Oaks.  She is what the missionaries loving refer to as a zebra, a missionary who speaks both English and Spanish because she is assigned to an English speaking ward in Thousand Oaks and a Spanish branch in Oak Wood (?) speaking, of course, Spanish.

Her companion is Hermana Romero from Mexico City, Mexico.  Hermana Romero speaks excellent English and I'm sure will be helping Mikenzie with her Spanish.  Their apartment is in Thousand Oaks.  Mikenzie and her companion drive a 2013 Chevy Cruz to get to everywhere they need to go.  Mikenzie gets to drive because Hermana Romero doesn't have an American drivers license.  She said they do quite a lot of driving covering such a large area.

Of course, Mikenzie had a short list of things she needed, which I was glad to write down.  But I could tell that what is most precious to her is just to get a simple letter or email from all her friends and loved ones. 

When she called, they had just gotten home from their first baptism.  How exciting!  A 70-year old Spanish man who had lost his wife 3 months prior.  Mikenzie was asked to give a talk about the gift of the Holy Ghost.  She said she shared some thoughts from Preach My Gospel and her testimony, all in Spanish.  She said, "I'm not quite sure all I said.  But. everyone said I did a great job."  Way to go Mikenzie!  I love her courage and her willingness to simply jump in with both feet!!  I'm sure everyone there could feel the Spirit and her sweet testimony.

She said that there are a lot of less-active member, and part member families.  But in the same breath, she said enthusiastically, "But we'll fix it!!"  There certainly is a lot to keep them busy!

When our time was almost up, she said, "Mom, I think the Lord is giving me a special blessing.  That blessing is that at night, I am so tired.  So tired, that as I read my scriptures, I think that I better say my prayers before I fall asleep reading.  It has been such a blessing to get right to sleep and not have my mind race while I struggle to fall sleep."  (Tender mercy)  

We told her how much we love her and how proud we are of her and of the work she is doing.  Yes, we both choked up, just a bit.  I can't wait to hear her voice again at Christmas!  But until then, weekly emails and letters will definitely foot the bill!  

Thanks for keeping Mikenzie in your prayers.  I know those prayers are heard, and most importantly felt, by Mikenzie and all missionaries serving around the world.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!


p.s.  What is a Tender Mercy?  I think it's a special time when only you know and feel the Lord reaching out to you, sometimes through someone or something.  You have an understanding that the Lord is acutely aware of you.  I have been the recipient of many tender mercies in my life.  Here's one of Mikenzie's that I'm sure she'd be happy to share…..

"On the first night in California, at the mission office, I saw a picture of the mission president giving roses to new missionaries.  After seeing that picture, all I wanted was a flower.  Dumb, I know.  At the end of the night we were getting ready to leave the stake center to go to our apartment.   The sisters that I were with had a flower, and they gave it to me.  It was a miracle from Heavenly Father and just what I needed!"

Coincidence? Not in my book.  A true Tender Mercy for a new sister missionary who just needed a small reassurance that her Heavenly Father knows her, loves her and is truly watching over her.  What a gift…  Look for the Tender Mercies in your own life.  I promise you, they are there.  

Friday, May 3, 2013

Week #6 from the MTC - This is it...MY LAST LETTER from the MTC

Hola familia,
Thank you for the sweet packages this week. This week is one of the best weeks so far. We got our travel plans this week and we leave on Monday, May 6th  at 6 in the morning. From SLC we go to Denver.  Way weird, I know.  And then from Denver we go to Santa Barbara. So be expecting a phone call around 7:30-9:30 MST.We arrive in Denver 11:35 and will be in California by 2:20.  I will be constantly calling you to keep you updating on how things are progressing as we are traveling. 

The Old Testament is way hard but is so interesting in the things that Moses had and Israel had covenants with.

Our teachers got switched around this week so we have a new investigator.  He seems really interesting.  We don't know for sure. I am trying to open my mouth more, i just feel like I have to plan everything I say pero I will be better at doing that. It will be pretty sad to leave the MTC because we got so close as a district.  Thank goodness some of our elders are flying out with us. One of the things that we are doing is that everyone in our district is going to get a preisthood blessing before they leave for their mission.

The thing I want to eat the most is probably some Cafe Rio so I will definitely be finding that place in the airport :) Although I would definitely love some of your home cooking. 

We went to the temple today.  Afterwards, we ate at the temple cafeteria.  The food at the temple today was amazing!  I really loved it.  It was way better than the MTC food. 

You can send the pics to my email account.   Hopefully I can see them.  I haven't really had any luck when opening pics. I have some pics for you, too. 

I am writing on Thursday because our schedule got switched.  So only for this week  PDAY is on Thursday. Helped host missionaries yesterday.  It was way fun. One girl was in my zone and she is going to Morristown, NJ Spanish speaking.  The other girl is going to the Netherlands. I'm so excited to leave MTC but so nervous at the same time. It will really be helpful to be fully immersed in the language. 

I get to call you this Monday and then again next Sunday because it Mother's day, so exciting!   

One of the things that I realized this week is how important the investigator really is.  What we receive as inspiration and revelation, is all for the investigator and not for us when we are teaching.

One of the funniest things happened today. We have gone and done our laundry at 3:00 in the morning for the past three weeks. Well, today the security guards came and said we can't be there that early.  But, we already had our laundry in the machines, so they said we could stay and finish it.  We told them that a lot of people come here really early to avoid the lines. A lot of people came before 6:00 which is when the laundry room really opens.   We can still get in since we have to swipe our cards. The people that work there haven't said anything or care that we are there that early. It's just really dumb because our last week is the week that they really check. Way funny.
That all that really happened this week.
I love ya so much and can't wait to talk to y'all.
love hermana fitzpatrick
kenzer lou