Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week #5 at the MTC - Almost Done!

(Hermana Fitzpatrick's 'Spanglish' is alive and well.  
My novice translations are found in italics... Hermana Fitzpatrick's mom.)

Hola Familia,

Como estas?  Gracias por mi package this week and the divert carats (different cards) about what's going on.  This week was one of the better semanas  (weeks).  On Tuesday, our devotional was from the main missionary department head which was cool.  He talked about the repentance process.  I think it was more to weed out those who have past mistakes that didn't get them resolved before they came out on their mission.

We also got to be host missionaries on Wednesday which fue divertido pero (was fun, but) you could feel what the new missionaries feel.  So, we helped them feel better or tried not to cry when we saw their families pulling away.

I finally got my skirts fixed.  It's way nice to have more skirts to wear.  They have some weird ladies working in the alterations department.  This one lady said that the Hermana missionaries can't wear perfume or nail polish porque (because) Utah has a high allergen sensitivity y porque it is too worldly.  But we just moved on and bit our tongues porque the MTC presidency said that it was totally okay to wear this stuff.

You were inspired to pack that medico kit Madre porque yo fue enferma por uno dia pero necisito teer (I was sick for a day and needed ) Sudafed and sleeping pills.  Yo soy much better.

Spanish is getting better.  Yo so better at traducer than hablando.

Tengo made un meta leer (I have made a goal to read the) Santa Biblia y el Libro de Mormon y Pearl of Great Price y Doctrina y Covenios,  all the escruituras por medio (by half-way) de mi mission.

Tengo recibir revelecion (I have received revelation) to help mi investigador.  Por ejemplo, in Numbers it talks about how you know it's God's prophet if he receives una vision y an angel visitar el.  So, a la escritura necisitapor nuestro investogador porque cree en Santa Biblia y no el Libro de Mormon.  (The writing is necessary (from the Bible) because our investigator knows about the Bible and not the Book of Mormon.)

I am so excited that you all finished reading El Libro de Mormon!   It truly is one of the greatest libros en our time!

I forgot my camera today pero I will shoot off some pictures next tiempo. (time).

Me gusta mi carta de Blake porque el ayudame con espaƱol. (I liked my card from Blake because it helped me with my Spanish.)

One of things that I have noticed durante uestro leccions con investigator es that si yo don't saber como to say algo then I will keep mi boca shut.  (One of the things I have noticed during our lessons is that if I don't know how to say something, I keep my mouth shut.)  It is necesito por mi (necessary for me) to open mi boca porque espirtu santo es trabjando por medio di mi y y soy (open my mouth because the Spirit is working through me and I am) not allowing the Lord to work if I keep my mouth shut.  It is like that scripture, 'the holy ghost will open your mouth.'  Pienzo tambien quiero leer Santa Biblia y las escrituras is entonces sabo cuando (I want to read the Bible and the scriptures so when) I need to pull a scripture out in the middle of the lesson, I will know the reference. Moses takes up a lot of the Bible.  I love Moses and all,  pero quiero (but I want) to move on and get into Ruth.  This semana ayudo que (week I find)  it is nesicita por mi to balance the doctrine and the needs of the investigator cuando mi ensena (when I teach).

Yo recibo una carta (received a card from ) de nanny y pop this semana.  Y sabo mi being aqui es (I think me being here is) importante to them.

I can't wait to start cross referencing what es en Santa Biblia to El Libro de Mormon porque si yo do that it will help the investigator so much.  One of the things that es muy difficil is explaining Mormon jargon to investigators such as dispensacion y apostosia y otras cosas (dispensations, apostasy and other things).

We should be getting our flight plans soon.  Either today, tomorrow or Lunes.  I'm so excited pero so nervosa too.

Yo recibo cartas pero the Shill familia.  Muy agradecidos por them y their amor durante tiempo. (So grateful for them and their love during this time) 

It is muy raro that yo soy 17 meses (It is very strange that I only have  17 months) left mi mission. Tiempo really flies by!

Yo soy agradacicos (grateful) por breakfast stuff y otras comida (other food) porque mi cuerpo (my body) started rejecting the food here.  Pero I eat whatever looks most edible.  Only nine mas dias until real food!!  Me gusta Dasani agua flavors.  It's better than just water por most dias.

I can't wait to get fully immersed in the language en California.  I learn better when I am surrounded by personas who speak the language all the tiempo.  One of the funniest things that has happened durante semana es I picked up the Spaniard 'th'. So, instead of saying 'z', not I say the 'th' sound.  Por ejemplo, corazon - corathon y cabeza-cabetha.  I love the lisp, pero I still hope people understand me when I talk in California.  So far I have tried to get rid of it, pero I can't.  Way funny!!

As for stuff I need this week, not a lot, since I will be packing and getting ready to get on a plane!  Me gusts sus cartas y cartas de hermano y hermanas.

I hope the casa es coming along nicely.  Y can't wait to see picturas when it's done.  I will bring my picturas y revelations to comparator next tiempo.  Since it will be mi last time to ascribe ustedes (write to you) at the MTC.

Can't wait to get to the temple today!

I send all mi amor.

Hermana Fitzpatrick
(Kenzer Lou)

                                                   What Is My Purpose as a Missionary?
To invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and enduring to the end.

This is Elder James from Phoenix, Arizona.  He is going to Ventura, California.  He has a twin brother who is serving a mission in Tampa, Florida.  He is way funny and chill.  One of the things he said was that in his setting apart, it would be a miracle if he learns Spanish...And he will!!  He doesn't totally get it yet, but he will!!

 This is Hermana Howell.  She is from Virginia.  She went to school at BYU.  She has a lot of family and gives a lot of good insight into the scriptures and stuff.

This is Hermana Rubow.  She is from South Carolina and very funny!!  We love to do things together, just hang out and talk about the South.  haha.  She went to school at BYU-I doing online classes.  She will be going there when we get back from our mission.  I would definitely like to hang out with Hermana Rubow when we go back to school.  She is definitely one of the people that I can go to with anything.

This is Elder Harkness.  He is from Pocatello, Idaho.  He's a great person because he came from such a rough background.  He is also a fantastic missionary!!

This is Elder Bryson.  He is from West Jordan but has moved around a lot.  He is very ambitious and one of the funniest/sarcastic people in our district.

This is Elder Plyer.  He is from Washington.  He is way funny!  He has only been a member of the Church for less than two years and his conversion story will make you cry.  He is the only member in his family and has enjoyed embracing the gospel in his life.  He said that he is here at the MTC because of the missionaries that taught him.  He wants to change other people's lives, too.

This is Elder Gehoski.  He is from Arizona but he lives hear Penn State.  He is way funny and a totally chill guy.  He is strong at moments but flips like a switch.  I think this will be learning experience for him.  He went to BYU-I, too.

Ta dah!!  This is my wonderful companion, Hermana Corniea.  She is from American Fork, Utah.  She is 1/4 Samoan and she comes from a loud a crazy family just like us!  We both have the same kind of humor.  But we focus when it is time to focus.

This is the laundry room at the MTC at 4:00 a.m. with Hermana Rubow.  Had to beat the crowd!!

 YOLO!!!  You only live once!

We met this Great Dane that lives by the MTC on our Temple Walk last Sunday.  He came up to my waist.  It was a great relaxation moment.  Totally got my Gracie fix.  But I definitely don't want a dog that big!!  He was about 150 pounds.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Week #4 - MTC - What a Week!!

Hola Familia,

Thank you for the wonderful package this week. I really appreciate it!

A couple of wonderful things happened this week!  Our whole district has been having problems not just with the language but other stuff as well. Last Monday our whole district didn't study language study when we were supposed to and instead recieved priesthood blessings of comfort. I asked an Elder Gehoski to do mine. In my blessing he said that I would learn the language, that Heavenly Father knows me, loves me, and is proud of me. He also said that my burdens will be lifted off my back as I have been feeling them lately. This blessing was something that we all needed to have because it not only strengthened our district but made us better missionaries. 

On Tuesday, you will not guess who came to devotional. Before I tell you, you should know that we usually already know when we get into the auditorium where the devotional is being held, who is speaking.  But this time they didn't tell us beforehand.  So I guessed it was someone big and I mean BIG!  It was ELDER RICHARD G. SCOTT. He is a wonderful man and a great leader of the church. He talked about prayer and how we can be closer to our Heavenly Father. Some of the things he said were; to never feel unworthy to pray. Prayer is a sacred gift (never thought about that before.)  And make sure you to thank Heavenly Father that we CAN pray. Prayer is a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.  One of the best things that actually happened at this devotional though, was Elder Scott pronounced a apostolic blessing upon all the missionaries that could hear his voice. When I think of that, it is like Elder Scott put his hands on each and every missionaries head. He blessed those that are learning a language that they will master it.  He blessed us that our mission will be a rich and rewarding experience.  And that it will bless the lives of our families to come. The Lord has called us to succeed and not fail. He wants us to grow and discover things about ourselves that we haven't learned before.  Most of the time, when we recieve answers to our prayers it is not on our knees it is in the quiet moments. We need to remember to pray, even when we feel like we can't.  Heavenly Father has called us to succeed gloriously. It was a talk that I really needed to hear.

As I have been here, I have felt the Spirit.  Sometimes, it is so hard to recognize it because it comes in so many different ways; whether it be through emotions, feeling peace, or chills up and down my body. 

I finally understand why we need to teach our investigators the way we do. Our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His atonement, repentence, baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. If you picture a staircase the first step is faith, second-repentence, thrid-baptism, fourth-laying on the hands of the gift of the Holy Ghost, fifth- enduring to end. So, this week, we are going to teach our progressing investigator that we have now, about faith because that is the first step in the conversion process.  I really love personal revelation.  It's such a great tool. 

I'm doing really well so far and it has been a good week.  There are struggles with being a missionary but you just have to pull yourself up and keep doing the work. 

I did receive a letter from Elder Larsen on Monday. I was very excited. He is doing well and has been training for the past seven weeks. He has been teaching a lot. He told me that in the next seven weeks they expect five baptisms which is really good. He told me about one of his investigators named Devon who contacted them because they he has been going to church for three weeks, read the Book of Mormon all the way up to 2 Nephi, and was ready to have the gospel in his life. He took the lessons and got his baptism moved up a week because he was so ready. After his baptism, he got the priesthood the next day.  That week he went to the temple and did baptisms for the dead.  Then he was called to be the 2nd counselor in the Sunday School. I'm so proud and excited for the work that elder Larsen is doing in St. George, UT. 

As for stuff I need from home, I would really like my heart rate monitor, letters from my siblings because i miss hearing from them and any other stuff you can send me if you want to.

I can't believe I only have two and half more weeks at the MTC.  It has surely flow by. I only have 17 more months of my mission, weird. 

We get to go to the temple today which is way fun.  I started reading the Old Testament and am gaining so many insights. 

That is so exciting for Sydnie.  I will start writing Blake about some of the experiences that have happened here.  It is so amazing!   

On P.day now, we have 60 minutes instead of 30 to write to family. They did change the email policy so you can write friends too.  But I'm going to wait until CA to see what the mission president says.

Want to hear some funny stuff?  Well one of the Hermanas and I don't like to wait for the laundry machines. So we got up at 3:45 this morning to go do our laundry.  It was totally dark. It was way funny!!  She said,  "You Only Live Once at the MTC might as well have fun while we're here!" 

I did get the letter from Sister Williams today. Tell her thank you from me.  It really did bring my spirits up. I get Dear elders every day and can only read my email on Friday in the allotted 60 minutes. 

I'm so excited that Kellie is loving volleyball. Oh, one good thing that will happen is that I will get to call you from the airport on May 6th, so look forward to that.  I will give you specifics in the next couple of emails.  I get to leave before Mother's Day, which means I get to call you again on Mother's Day.  Twice in one month!!  

The food here is still gross but I still eat it, because if I don't, I will run out of energy and go into starvation mode.  I really love the fitness center they have here on the MTC campus. I lifted weights the other day and totally tore my muscles, like a good tear.   I love that soreness because it means I actually worked hard. I can tell I gained a little bit of weight.  But the hardest thing for me is going from counting calories to not counting calories at all because of all the cafeteria food. I can't wait to get back to making my healthy smoothies in the field and actually knowing and being in control of what I am putting into my body. 

I love to pray.  It takes me about ten minutes each night to say my prayers in english because I am so grateful for so many things. 

I love y'all, the gospel is true, read the scriptures, pray!
I keep y'all in my prayers! 

Love your,

Hermana Fitzpatrick

(Kenzer Lou)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Week #3 Still Loving It...But Challenging!!

Hey Familia,
Como esta? Gracias for the packages that were sent this week, I really appreciate it. 

On Friday, for P-Day we get up about the same time or earlier to score some washers/dryers because it gets pretty full. Even at 5:30!! We do laundry mainly and then we can do whatever we want for our personal time; write letters, take a nap, or go work out. Even if it is our P-Day we still have 50 minutes to work out. There really isn't anything else I'm craving.  I'm just a little tired of eating processed food that is made for a lot of people.  Sometimes you can even tell it's fake food.  If it's like that, the otras hermanas and I  won't even eat what they have. 

I am so glad that we got the big canvas bag, IDK how I would carry all I need to w/o it. I enjoyed General Conference a lot! We sat in a big auditorium to watch it and loved it even if I fell asleep a few times :) Living the missionary life!!  I loved Sister Dalton's talk and the one about marriage because you can apply those principles that we were taught to any aspect of your life. During the Priesthood session, the Sister missionaries went to an overflow room to watch the YW Broadcast, which was really good but we are in RS, I mean come on MTC, jk! I loved it!! I was so sad to see that Sister Dalton was released!

All of my outfits are great, I have worn every single thing that we bought so far and have even had to recycled some outfits. I needed to have two skirts taken to alterations because the slit in the back didn't cover the back of my knee all the way, so I haven't worn those skirts yet, but I will. I don't feel like I took too many clothes yet. Some of my outfits that are my favorite, are just a plain white t-shirt and a cardigan or one of the shirts from the missionary mall with a cardigan, I just match a skirt with it. I haven't tried curling my hair yet so I will try to do it sometime. 

On P-Day, we do get to go to the temple for three hours.  I love it!  We don't really get to go outside very much because we are inside learning and developing our skills to be great missionaries. 

This week's devotional was Gerald N. Lund which I know will kinda make mom jealous because he wrote The Work and the Glory books. He spoke on personal revelation; on what it is and isn't.  I thought it was interesting, the way he talked on this subject. You can get personal revelation not only from God which is the right revelation but also from Satan. We need to always have the spirit with us to receive the correct revelation.

Yesterday, we got chastised by our teachers by not pulling our weight and some of the people in my class just fool around and talk when we should be studying. He showed us some things and it changed my perspective a lot. I am not here to make friends.  It would be nice but I'm not here to make friends. I am here to serve the Lord.  It is his time that was wasted not ours.  I am dealing with people's salvation in my hands and that a big enough burden to bear as a missionary. This is the Lord place and we can do what we will with it but I do not want to be accountable to God for not giving my best 110% and for losing one of his precious children because I couldn't learn what I needed to learn

I really love y'all and the support you have given me. I just wish I could give y'all big hugs and such.
Love ya and miss ya lots,
Hermana Fitzpatrick

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week #2  April 5, 2013

I Love It Here!!

Hola familia, 

Gracias mi madre por the packages and la cartas. Yo was agracidos them and the kind words that were in them. I recieved a General Conference package from Aunt Jan this semana, entonces I will have to tell her gracias from mi. 

Just to clarify things out P-day is Friday. When you arrive at the MTC for the primero semana you have your P-day on Sabado pero for the rest of the tiempo that i am at the MTC it is Friday. As for the preguntas you asked, I have had no headaches y I love mis zapotoes porque they are muy comfortable y have had no blisters so far. Knock on wood :) 

As for Christine's package, Will you por favor hold it until I get to California before sending it?  Just a little worried that i won't be able to fit it or my bags will be overweight when I have to go to the airport. 

My companion is from American Fork, UT. She is 1/4 samoan but is a gringo from what nuestro maestro calls us. There are nine personas en nuestro districo. As for what I do every day, we get up at 6:30 in the morning by 7:00 we have to be at breakfast. We usually do sack breakfast so we can go back and eat in our room so we don't have to get dressed until we are ready to leave for the day. We then go to our clase and have personal study which you are studying what you need to teach your investigator for the day. Then we maybe have TALL which is like inspired Rosetta stone for missionaries. When we are done we have about a couple minutes before lunch. After lunch we have language study and then we have class room instructing for three hours then we have addition study time then it is time for dinner and then we have more classroom instruction after dinner then after our classroom instruction we return to our room and had quiet time by 10:15 and buy 10:30 it is lights out. 

Fun days it's just sitting and eating. As for the Food in the MTC none of it is really healthy. My companero y yo have decieded that will will have wraps and salads for lunch and dinner. 

For visiting people that we have had so far we have had the Bishop, the Prophet, President Monson and Sheri Dew. She was excellent. We did sing in the choir for Tuesday devotional but not General Conference chior for the MTC :( 

I got a couple of letters from grandma this week so i will write her even if I don't get an answer after her trip. Oh I do have a request if that is ok, could you send me some Breakfast Essentials because the breakfast around here is not as healthy as I would like but it would help :)

Our investigator, Benjamin, that we have been teaching for a week ended this week.  It turns out that the investigator is really our teacher that will help us learn to teach and use the tools that we have been given to be effective teachers and missionaries. 

One of the interesting things that I have learned is that we shouldn't be afraid to extend the invitation to be baptized on the first visit or lesson. One of the scriptures that really stood out to me this week is in 2 Nephi 31: 14, I think. It talks about coming unto Christ but if we fall away like some new converts do after they are baptized it is better that they had not know Christ. Which I thought was very interesting. 

So far I am enjoying the MTC, I have just been a little frustrated because I can translate spanish better than i can speak it, but it will be ok. I just have to realize that i won't speak the whole spanish language in the six weeks that I am here pero It will come for most people it takes them about 6 months till I actually can speak it fluently without help. 

Well I better get going. My Texas accent has been coming out alot here. IDK why.

Love y'all so much

your Hermana Fitzpatrick!