Monday, May 26, 2014

May 5 -Crazy, Sick Week

Hola Familia,

I Can't believe it's already May either. The year has just flying by. Our church time is 11-2. I will call at 6p.m. I can't wait to talk to y'all. 

Yep, I do like exercising outside, but I do miss my gym equipment. I can't believe all the events that are happening. Dad told me about the backyard and it sounds bombing. Can't wait to see it. Hey if you have tim,e can you find the CD Living Eden by Brandon Heath and send it to me when you have a package ready. Thanks mom your so awesome. Oh and Have a Happy Mother's day. Wish I could be there to celebrate with you but we will have plenty of time to celebrate when i get home. Can't believe it's so close. 

This week was unpredictable. So on Monday, we did an FHE with a family. We watched Finding Faith in Christ. The coolest miracle happened. We asked them if we could watch a DVD.  They said that it hasn't been working, but we can try. So we tried and we were able to watch the whole video without any glitches. So amazing! Then the cutest thing happened. They have a 2 year old little boy and he was looking at his dad's hand for the marks that Christ had. It so amazing for how young he is, he is realizing the influence of Christ in his life. It was such a great lesson. 

Monday was also the most stressful p-day ever. Anything that went wrong did. The stores were closed, the car wash broke down, and our emails weren't working for about 3 hours. But we handled it and got what we needed to done. On Tuesday, we declared to alot of people who were passing by when picking up their kids from school. Some people didn't want to hear from us and other were very open. We had an appointment with the Flores family. We read 1 Nephi 1 with them and the wife said she is going to get her glasses fixed so she can start reading the Book of Mormon. The husband was reading the Book Of Mormon all that way to 1 Nephi 1. They liked to read it outside and learn from it. They are progressing nicely. We only need them to come to church. We had a lesson with Jose and Angelina. They are doing very well too. We taught tithing and fast and offerings. They committed to live it. They came to church and are wanting this more and more. Hna. Angelina is doing so well with the Word of Wisdom and Jose is doing less and less of what he did before but they are progressing and understanding more of this gospel and how it can help them. On Wednesday, I wasn't feeling very well but we had alot of appointments and we went to our appointments. We had a lesson with one of our LA, Hermana Claudia. She is doing well. She just got back from Mexico and we shared the talk by President Ucthdorf, "Come and Join with Us." We commited her to read it. We also had a small lesson with Hermana Rojelia. We shared a scripture on faith, hope, and patience in trials. She is going through alot, family wise. After that, Hermana and I weren't feeling too well the rest of the day. So we came home and rested. On Thursday, we canceled all our appointments because we still weren't feeling too well to go out. Then Hermana started getting worse with her ear and her face. It was so swollen. We called Sister Castro who had us call Sister Judson. They reccommeneded we go to an Urgent Care. Hermana was in a lot of pain to where even moving just hurt. We went to an Urgent Care in Ventura and we were seen by a nurse practitioner. She didn't even tell us what Hna had, but gave her an antibiotic to take. We have been inside since that day. But this experience has reminded me of the apostles where Christ told them to wait an hour. Hermana was having a hard night one night and she couldn't sleep, talk, move or do anything or she would have pain. So I stayed up with her.  I know what the apostles felt when Christ had to suffer the pain for all alone. I could be with Hermana but I couldn't take away her pain. It was like the scripture, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" is what i experienced. At times i was so tired but I knew Hermana needed me, so I stayed awake until I knew she was asleep. Through this experience, it has taught me the compassion and love that Christ has for us to go through the Atonement. He has felt everything that we are going to go through and he knows how we feel. I couldn't relate to Hermana because I never experienced what she had, but Christ has felt what she has and has gone through that pain for her. If anyone can relate to Hermana, it is Him.  Hermana is getting better slowly but surely.  She still has some ear problems but hopefully the antibiotics will fix it. She will get better I know it. I had a lot of time to study this week. So I mostly studied in Jesus the Christ and the Book of Mormon, reading in Alma.

I'll "snail" ya this week too.
Love ya,
Hermana Fitzpatrick

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